Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Improving My Goal

"Wow, I never thought that would improve so well in my Studyladder Math. I'm very very glad that I've done half of it and doing another half on Wednesday. I think that I'm improving so well in my Studyladder maths. LOVES TO LEARN!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Camp Highlights

I shouted out in the house to my mum and dad that, camp was coming up very quickly. I was feeling very excited because it was our 22nd time at school and going out for Camp. I quickly packed my clothes till Monday. Monday to Wednesday, I thought that it wasn't to quick but it was just right for everyone to have fun and enjoy. The activities that we had to participate in every single day was Kayaking, The Point England Amazing Race, Boxing Fit, Cooking Prep and Old School Games with Mr. Harris. Every single night, after dinner, the whole senior kids would search for a place to practice their item for Tuesday night. On the last day which would be Wednesday we will all go to Swimarama.

One of the standouts for about camp was cooking.
The reason why cooking stands out to me is because I really love cooking food for the whole world which is why I want to be a chef. I cook at home and at my sisters Cafeteria at Alexandra Park and at The Netball Centre down on Morrin Road.

My next stand out for me is Old school games. I was wondering what old school games were. I knew that we had to pop other people's balloons in on the grass. First we had to get a balloon each and blow it up, from the size of our head. Tie a string to the balloon to our legs and very very carefully walk it to the grass to pop other people's balloons. The nest game was called the prate game, it was very interesting because we had to run around and act like pirates. I thought that the people in my team really enjoyed it. This game that we also played was this egg game when you have to get a partner and stand behind the rope and start throwing the egg by under throwing it. I love that game so much that I want to play it during school is well.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Goals For School


Intro: What is my goal for this year
P.1 What am I looking foward to do
P.2 What will be my favourite thing
p.3 How do I feel about Point England School?
Conclusion: What will be my goal for next year?

For 2012, my goal is to work hard not necessarily smart. I love my netbook so much that I want to take it home with me everyday but that depends when I get permission from my parents. I love to play games but that's not my goal, sometimes I have to do school work and on Friday I get to have free time. If I can't finish my work I need something that would help me get my work done on time so that I can go on anything. Well I call it Freee Time.

What I'm looking forward to do for this year is to play more sports hopefully take my netbook with me when I go home. I still can't wait for Camp because it's coming up really soon. I hope everyone will have fun this year because we all had a great start this year.

My favourite thing this year is Netball and my subject is Topic, Writing, Maths and Reading. My most thing when I work is to be focused. I hope I get all my subjects done.

I feel really happy that I'm at this school and it's a lucky school because we all get to have a netbook each. I'm glad that I have friends at this school and a teacher to tech my class a lesson. Love this school.

What I'm looking forward for 2013 is to have a lovely year like this year, 2012. Love having everybody working so hard on their and the teachers doing everything for the school. Hope the seniors get to have Camp all Year so that they could have fun.